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Omicron Persei is 'n binêre ster. Ek het nie inligting gekry oor hoeveel planete dit het en of ons dit tans kan bepaal nie. Ek weet egter dat die meeste sterre rondom hulle planete het en daarom neem ek aan dat daar sulke planete is.
Vir diegene wat belangstel, het Futurama die planeet Omicron Persei 8 aangebied - die 8ste planeet in daardie stelsel. Ek was nuuskierig of daar 'n 8ste planeet is.
Op die oomblik verskyn http://exoplanet.eu/ (wat meer eksoplanete bevat as die amptelike NASA-argief) geen bekende planete van Omicron Persei nie. Tans weet ons dus niks, dit is buite die Kepler-veld, dus ook geen Kepler-kandidate nie.
Alhoewel net niemand bekend is nie, wat nie beteken dat dit nie een het nie, kan dit wees dat hul massa en orbitale vlak van so 'n aard is dat dit baie moeilik is om planete te identifiseer of dat niemand met 'n geskikte instrument gekyk het nie.
Hoeveel planete het Omicron Persei? - Sterrekunde
Perseus is die 24ste grootste sterrebeeld aan die noordelike hemelruim, vernoem na die Griekse mitologiese held Perseus.
Die hemelse held Perseus is aan boord van die konstellasies Ram en Taurus in die suide, Auriga in die ooste, Cassiopeia in die noorde en die Andromeda-sterrestelsel in die weste.
Perseus beslaan 'n oppervlakte van 615 vierkante grade. Dit is in die eerste kwadrant van die noordelike halfrond (NQ1) geleë en kan op breedtegrade tussen + 90 ° en -35 ° gesien word.
Dit is een van die 48 antieke konstellasies wat deur die 2de-eeuse sterrekundige Ptolemeus gelys is, en is deel van die 88 moderne konstellasies wat deur die International Astronomical Union (IAU) gedefinieer word.
Perseus word die beste opgemerk in die noordelike halfrond en die herfs en winterhemel. Die melkwegvlak van die Melkweg gaan deur Perseus.
Bos in 'n boks
The Forest in a Box is 'n sneeubedekte taigabioom wat slegs in 'n boks deur die Forest toeganklik is. Dit is in opdatering 40 uitgehaal.
Omicron Persei 8
Omicron Persei 8 is 'n planeet wat in die Futurama reeks. Dit is om onbekende redes in die mod gevoeg. Dit is 1000 ligjare weg van die aarde en, soos die meeste ander planete, kan dit in die TARDIS gevlieg word. Dit is in opdatering 40 uitgehaal.
Europa (AKA Jupiter II) is 'n maan van die planeet Jupiter in ons sonnestelsel. Dit is ongeveer 390,400,000 myl (628,300,000 & # 160km) weg van die aarde. Daarop kan jy Ice, Packed Ice, water en Silicate vind. Dit is in opdatering 40 uitgehaal.
Inkonsekwentheid tussen Pocket Atlas en SkySafari
Ek het vandag die jumbo Pocket Atlas gekry en ek het dit vergelyk met SkySafari. Ek het rondblaai en 'n teenstrydigheid in stername gesien. In die besonder, op grafiek 15 in die Jumbo Pocket Atlas aan die bokant, is daar die drie sterre ketting (in Perseus) reg onder die Kaliforniese newel. In die Pocket Atlas word die hoekdubbelster as "Atik" gemerk en die dubbelster aan die einde van die reël regs as "Omicron".
Maar as u SkySafari oopmaak, word "Zeta Persei" as die hoekster (nie Atik nie) gelys, terwyl die ster aan die regterkant as "Atik" (nie Omicron) gelys word. Dit is teenoorgestelde van en anders as die Pocket Atlas.
So, wat gee hier? Waarom die verskille?
Geredigeer deur Biggen, 18 Januarie 2019 - 19:12.
# 2 SeaBee1
Is dit moontlik dat die uitsig op SS laat draai is? Ek weet nie of dit per ongeluk gedoen moet word nie, maar gooi dit net daar buite.
# 3 csa / montana
Den Mama en amptenaar van die Gold Star-toekenning
Skuif dit na Astronomy Software & amp Computers, om die onderwerp beter te pas.
# 4 ShaulaB
Stellarium is 'n gratis aflaai.
# 5 brentknight
PSA is verkeerd oor die eienaam, maar het die Griekse letterbenaming korrek. Atik is die ster aan die einde van die ketting en het die oop tros met die newel IC 348 in die suide. Lekker vang!
Dit dra die tradisionele naam Atik (ook Ati, Al Atik), Arabies vir 'die skouer'. Sommige bronne, insluitend 'n planetarium-sagtewarepakket, 'n atlas, [13] en 'n webwerf [14] skryf die naam Atik toe aan die nabygeleë, helderder ster Zeta Persei. In 2016 het die International Astronomical Union 'n werkgroep oor sterrename (WGSN) [15] gereël om eiename vir sterre te katalogiseer en te standaardiseer. Die WGSN het besluit om eiename toe te ken aan individuele sterre eerder as aan hele veelvoudige stelsels. [16] Dit het die naam Atik vir die komponent Omicron Persei A op 12 September 2016 goedgekeur en dit is nou so opgeneem in die lys met IAU-goedgekeurde stername.
Die Wikipedia-artikel verwys na die Cambridge Double Star Atlas [13] wat in 2009 gepubliseer is. Dit is nadat PSA in 2006 gepubliseer is, en Zeta het om een of ander rede in die PSA die naam Atik gekry.
Aangehegte kleinkiekies
Geredigeer deur brentknight, 19 Januarie 2019 - 01:22 uur.
# 6 brentknight
As ek 'n bietjie meer grawe, het ek geleer dat die oorspronklike Arabiese afbeeldings van Perseus waarskynlik die figuur omgekeer het. Atik - "Die skouer" is nou die linkervoet. Volgens Stername - hul geskiedenis en betekenis (R. H. Allen, p.334), so word Perseus getoon op 'n aardbol wat dateer uit die 13de eeu. Ek kyk na my eksemplaar van Sky Atlas 2000, wat ook deur Roger Sinnott is, en Zeta Persei word ook as Atik bestempel. Stername verklaar dat Omicron Persei Atik is en op die Arabiese aardbol deur die sterrekundige Ulug Beg gemerk is. Ek het egter 'n ander boek Die konstellasies (Nathanson, p.338) wat lyk asof Zeta Atik is.
Ek vermoed dat PSA Zeta Persei Atik noem, want op 'n stadium in die verlede het iemand gedink dat die helderder ster die regte naam sou hê en nie die effens dowwer Omicron nie. Miskien is die ligging van die ster op die skouer is belangriker geag as die relatiewe helderheid van die ster. Maar dit is net my raaiskoot.
Geredigeer deur brentknight, 19 Januarie 2019 - 03:30.
# 7 Biggen
As ek 'n bietjie meer grawe, het ek geleer dat die oorspronklike Arabiese afbeeldings van Perseus waarskynlik die figuur omgekeer het. Atik - "Die skouer" is nou die linkervoet. Volgens Stername - hul geskiedenis en betekenis (R. H. Allen, p.334), so word Perseus getoon op 'n aardbol wat dateer uit die 13de eeu. Ek kyk na my eksemplaar van Sky Atlas 2000, wat ook deur Roger Sinnott is, en Zeta Persei word ook as Atik bestempel. Stername verklaar dat Omicron Persei Atik is en op die Arabiese aardbol deur die sterrekundige Ulug Beg gemerk is. Ek het egter 'n ander boek Die konstellasies (Nathanson, p.338) wat lyk asof Zeta Atik is.
Ek vermoed dat PSA Zeta Persei Atik noem, want op 'n stadium in die verlede het iemand gedink dat die helderder ster die regte naam sou hê en nie die effens dowwer Omicron nie. Miskien is die ligging van die ster op die skouer is belangriker geag as die relatiewe helderheid van die ster. Maar dit is net my raaiskoot.
Brent is 'n uitstekende verduideliking. Ek dink ek sal die skrywer van PSA per e-pos stuur. Ek is nuuskierig om te sien wat sy gedagtes ook is.
# 8 brentknight
Ja - dit is 'n interessante probleem. Elke atlas wat ek kon nagaan, insluitend Sky Atlas 2000, interstellarum, Red Shift en die PSA, het Zeta so gemerk. Uranometria 2000 noem nie eiename op die 1ste uitgawe nie, maar wel op die 2de uitgawe waar dit ook Zeta as Atik noem. Stellarium noem Zeta en Omicron as Atik.
Ek kon nie vind wat dit as hul bron van eiename gebruik nie, maar dit lyk asof almal dieselfde gebruik en die fout duur voort.
Ek sal belangstel om enige antwoord te hoor wat u terugkry.
# 9 btschumy
Ek dink dit is die geval van verskillende databasisse wat dinge effens anders noem. Ek kan maklik gevalle vind waar Zeta Per of Omicron Per "Atik" genoem word. Nie seker wie korrek is nie, maar die databasis wat ons gebruik noem Omicron "Atik". Vir wat dit werd is, volg Jim Kahler, bekende ster-kenner, SkySafari se benoeming van Omicron as "Atik".
Geredigeer deur btschumy, 19 Januarie 2019 - 12:51 nm.
# 10 brentknight
Ek dink dit is redelik duidelik watter ster korrek benoem is (die laaste woord moet die IAU-besluit wees). Ek dink die interessante vraag is waarom daar soveel verwysings is wat verkeerd is.
# 11 Michael Covington
Dit is die groot rede waarom ek wens dat die teleskoopbevestiging ons toelaat om Bayer-Griekse letters eerder as tradisionele name vir sterre te gebruik. Baie van hierdie tradisionele name verskil van die een atlas na die ander, en tot onlangs was daar nog geen amptelike owerheid nie. (Die IAU het nou 'n paar dosyn stername amptelik aangeneem.) As u eers begin om te soek na verskille tussen steratlasse en katalogusse, sal u baie vind!
Die Griekse briewe, aan die ander kant, gaan terug na slegs drie owerhede (Bayer, Lacaille en Gould) en word selde betwis.
# 12 Michael Covington
Pocket Sky Atlas
Interstellarum Atlas
Hoeveel ander? Ek het die verandering na Omicron Persei in my eksemplare hiervan geteken.
# 13 sorg
Dit is die groot rede waarom ek wens dat die teleskoopbevestiging ons toelaat om Bayer-Griekse letters eerder as tradisionele name vir sterre te gebruik.
'N Beter term kan' obskure name 'wees eerder as' tradisionele '.
Soos u sê, was daar tot die 20ste eeu nooit 'n reeks standaard-astronomiese benamings nie, hoewel sekere belangrike atlasse (Ptolemeus, Bayer, ens.) Standaarde was.
Die name van baie sterre het gewissel. Die onderste deel van Eridanus is herdefinieer en herdoop sodra Noord-Europeërs byvoorbeeld die Suidelike Halfrond begin besoek het.
Dit is sinloos om, bo 'n sekere punt, die 'regte' naam van ster te probeer spyker. Dit was sinvol om opreg tradisionele name te gebruik wat as werklike algemene benamings gebruik is en wat in die wetenskaplike literatuur voorkom. Maar as die naam nie 'n algemene begrip is nie, in watter opsig is dit dan eintlik sy naam?
Die literatuur is gevul met stername wat niemand in Europa in geslagte (indien ooit) in die laaste helfte van die twintigste eeu gehoor het nie, as geleerdes wat Arabies ken, of ou Europese argiewe gesoek het, name opgegrawe en lyste begin publiseer het. hulle.
Dit het selfs daartoe gelei dat 'n paar valse (ek vermoed grappies) as stername aangeneem word. Die ster "Sarin" is byvoorbeeld 'n grap van 'n Tsjeggiese student (ek is redelik seker). Maar dit word in 'n atlas gedruk en word dus die 'naam van 'n ster'.
Ons ken nie ou Chinese name aan sterre toe nie. Waarom doen dit met Middeleeuse Latyn en Arabies?
In hierdie spesifieke geval blyk dit dat die naam "Atik" aan twee verskillende sterre geheg is. Watter een is die regte Atik? Daar is geen regte Atik nie, of hulle is albei nie. En dus het die naam geen waarde as 'n identifiseerder nie.
Interessante feite oor die sterrebeeld Perseus
Perseus is sigbaar vir waarnemers tussen + 90 ° en -35 ° breedte, en is op die Noordelike Halfrond te sien vanaf Augustus tot Maart en in die Suidelike Halfrond gedurende die lente en vroeë somer. Dit is die 24ste grootste sterrebeeld in die naghemel, en sy helderste ster, Mirfak, is 'n geelwit superreus wat 592 ligjare weg is wat skyn met 'n skynbare sterkte van 1,8, wat dit die 35ste helderste ster in die hele lug maak. Perseus is langs die Melkweg geleë en het baie interessante sterre en diep lugvoorwerpe om te verken. Vanaf 2017 is daar sewe sterre met bevestigde planete binne sy grense ontdek.
As die seun van Zeus en Danaë was Perseus een van die Griekse mitologie en die mees gevierde helde, en het 'n hele aantal legendes gehad wat verband hou met sy avonture. Net so kan die konstellasie van Perseus in die hemele gevind word, omring deur 'n familie van ander konstellasies wat nou verband hou met sy prestasies. Dit sluit in sy vrou, Andromeda, sowel as sy moordende skoonfamilie, Cepheus en Cassiopeia, wat hul dogter Andromeda aan 'n rots laat vasgeketting het, sodat Cetus, die Seemonster, haar kon doodmaak in plaas daarvan om hul stad te vernietig. Getroue Pegasus, die legendariese gevleuelde perd wat Perseus en Andromeda al sy hele lewe lank gedien het, is ook daar naby.
& # 8211 Mirfak (Alpha Persei), die sterrebeeld en die helderste ster, is 'n blou-wit superreus wat 592 ligjare weg is, met 'n visuele grootte van 1,806. Dit is ongeveer 7,3 keer massiewer as die son, 60 keer groter en ongeveer 5 000 keer helderder. Die ster Mirfak staan ook bekend as Algenib, met hul name afgelei van die Arabies vir onderskeidelik “elmboog” en “flank”.
& # 8211 Algol (Beta Persei), die tweede helderste ster in Perseus, lyk rooi in die naghemel, maar is eintlik 'n drievoudige sterrestelsel wat bestaan uit twee blou en een oranje-rooi sterre. Die stelsel is 92,95 ligjare weg en skyn met 'n skynbare sterkte van 2,09, wat dit die 60ste helderste ster in die hele naghemel maak. Algol is ook 'n baie bekende ster, want dit was die eerste ontdekte verduisterings-binêr, en dit verdof elke paar dae tot 'n sterkte van 3,4 voordat dit weer helder word.
Histories lyk dit asof Algol ewe minag is of gevrees is deur almal wat ooit 'n naam daarvoor geplaas het. Dit het bekend gestaan as Satan's Head to the Hebreërs, Tseih She (gestapelde lyke) aan die Chinese, en word in lugruim geassosieer met die Gorgon Medusa, wat slange in plaas van hare gehad het en 'n persoon met een oogopslag kon laat klip. Die Arabiere noem dit ook die & # 8220Demon Star & # 8221, en die woord Algol is eintlik afgelei van hul naam daarvoor & # 8211 ra's al-ghul (Hoof van die Ogre), wat terloops ook die naam van die supervillian in die DC strokiesprente wat aan die hoof staan van die League Of Assassins.
& # 8211 Atik (Zeta Persei), die sterrebeeld en die derde helderste ster, is 'n blou-wit superreus wat 750 ligjare van ons sonnestelsel af geleë is met 'n sterkte van 2,86. Dit het ongeveer 27 keer ons sonstraal, 16 keer sy massa en ongeveer 47 000 keer sy helderheid.
Daar is ook talle ander interessante sterre in Perseus, waaronder Gamma Persei (reuse geel ster), Gorgonea Tertia (rooi reus), Zeta Persei (blou superreus), Nash (oranje reus) en meer.
Opmerklike Deep Sky-voorwerpe
Daar is baie opmerklike diep lugvoorwerpe (sterretrosse, newels en sterrestelsels) in Perseus om van te geniet, soos die Alpha Persei-groep, wat met die blote oog sigbaar is as 'n groep blou sterre, en net 60 miljoen jaar oud is. is astronomies gesproke baie jonk. 'N Ander een is Caldwell 14, wat soms net The Double Cluster genoem word, wat minder as 13 miljoen jaar oud is en hoewel dit tans 7 500 ligjare weg is, ook op ons af is teen 'n snelheid van 22 km per sekonde.
Kaliforniese newel (NGC 1499)
U kan ook Messier 34, Messier 76 en die Kaliforniese newel (NGC 1499) in hierdie konstellasie vind. Messier 34 is 'n oop tros met 400 sterre, en dit is skaars met die blote oog waarneembaar in pikdonker toestande sonder maan. Messier 76 is 'n planetêre newel wat 2 500 ligjare weg is, wat ook bekend staan as The The Little Dumbbell Nebula omdat dit lyk soos die Halternevel (M27) in Vulpecula en die Kaliforniese newel is gelyknamig vernoem na die staat Kalifornië, waarvan die vorm glo gesê word.
Perseus bevat ook 'n interessante weerkaatsingsnevel genaamd NGC 1333. Wat dit beteken, is dat sy eie sterre te swak is om die gas te ioniseer en te laat gloei (wat dit 'n emissienevel maak), en in plaas daarvan is die verligting daarvan afhanklik van die omliggende sterre. Gewoonlik bevat sy gas baie koolstof, in die vorm van diamante, wat dit baie weerkaatsend maak. Daarbenewens het dit baie hoë ystervlakke, waarvan die deeltjies hul in lyn bring met die galaktiese magneetveld, wat weer die lig laat polariseer.
Natuurlik is die mees visuele teiken in Perseus NGC 1260, 'n spiraalstelsel wat een van die helderste stervoorwerpe bevat wat ons nog ooit gesien het, die oorblyfsels van supernova SN 2006g. Op 18 September 2006, in 'n sterrestelsel van 240 miljoen ligjaar, het sterrekundiges opgemerk wat die tweede grootste supernova was wat ooit deur moderne wetenskaplikes aangeteken is en meer as honderd keer kragtiger was as 'n tipiese supernova.
Perseid Meteor Shower
Perseus spog met een van die indrukwekkendste meteoorbuie van enige konstellasie, The Perseids, wat gedurende 'n lekker warm tyd van die jaar in die noordelike halfrond voorkom, en moedig baie mense aan om na buite te gaan kyk. Dit is redelik uitgerek en duur van ongeveer 17 Julie tot 24 Augustus en bereik 'n hoogtepunt van ongeveer 9 tot 13 Augustus wanneer ongeveer een of twee meteore per minuut of 60 tot 100 meteore per uur gesien kan word.
Maar dit is nie alles nie; daar is ook 'n klein stortbui na aanleiding van die hakke genaamd die Perseid van September, wat tussen 5 en 17 September plaasvind, met 'n hoogtepunt op die 9de van ongeveer 3 meteore per uur. Alhoewel dit 'n klein stort genoem word, is dit bekend dat dit baie interessante uitstallings lewer, dus moenie vergeet om Perseus & # 8217; Dit is interessant dat hoewel die Perseïdes en die September Perseides van dieselfde straling lyk, is die twee stortbuie apart en word uit verskillende komete gevorm.
Sterrekundetoets 2
A. Die gebrek aan atmosfeer word toegeskryf aan hoë oppervlaktemperatuur en lae massa.
B. Naby sy pole bly die temperatuur te alle tye laag.
C. Die eerste sending na Mercurius is deur die ruimtetuig Mariner 10 uitgevoer.
A. wrywingstrokie tussen rotsmassas
B. die vrystelling van gestoorde energie
C. groot kranse gevorm deur planeetverkoeling en inkrimping
A. Die nabyheid van die son
B. Dit is 'n stadige rotasieperiode
C. Dit is nie 'n belangrike atmosfeer nie
A. Ek sou 50% weeg van wat ek op die aarde weeg
C. Ek sou 62% weeg van wat ek op die aarde weeg
D. Ek sou dieselfde weeg as op aarde
A. Albei het soortgelyke massas en digthede
B. Albei is aardse planete
C. Albei het magnetiese velde
A. As gevolg van 'n botsing met die Aarde in die vroeë dae van hul formasies.
B. As gevolg van die sterk swaartekrag.
C. As gevolg van 'n botsing met 'n voorwerp, baie soos een wat die aarde getref het.
D. As gevolg van die impak van die gasse in sy atmosfeer
A. Sowjet-Rusland en China
C. Sowjet-Rusland en die VSA
A. Dit is uiters gekantel en veroorsaak uiterse seisoenale veranderinge
B. Dit is kloksgewys, wat verskil van die meeste ander voorwerpe in die sonnestelsel
C. Die rotasie is die vinnigste van enige planeet
A. erosie deur sy atmosfeer
A. Kors, mantel, buitekern, binnekern
B. Mantel, binnekern, buitekern, kors
C. Mantel, buitekern, kors, binnekern
A. Groeitempo's van esdoornboom
B. Vingernael groeikoerse
A. Dieselfde dikte reg rondom.
B. Dikker aan die Aarde-kant en dunner aan die ander kant.
C. Dikker op die Noordelike Halfrond en dunner op die Suidelike Halfrond.
D. Dikker aan die ander kant en dunner aan die aarde.
A. Die gety-gravitasie-interaksie tussen die Aarde en die Maan het veroorsaak dat die Maan 'n sinchrone baan gehad het.
B. Daardie kant van die maan word magneties deur die aarde aangetrek.
C. Die ander kant van die maan kyk wel na die aarde, maar slegs gedurende die dag wanneer dit nie gesien kan word nie.
A. op 'n tyd lopende water gehad het
B. die afgelope 2-3 miljard jaar min verander het
C. het 'n atmosfeer soortgelyk aan die Joviese planete
D. het sy huidige voorkoms ongeveer 100 miljoen jaar gelede verwerf
A. Binne - rotsagtige kern, metaalwaterstof
C. Interieur-groot warm ysterryke kern
D. Binne - koel (relatief tot die kern van die aarde) nie ysterryk nie.
B. Aarde se swaartekrag
A. Mars het geen magneetveld nie.
D. Rollende vulkaniese vlaktes
a) Dikker as aarde, bestaan meestal uit stikstof
b) Dunner as die aarde, bestaan meestal uit koolstofdioksied
c) Baie soortgelyk aan aarde, net meer koolstofdioksied
A. 5K koeler as op aarde
B. 50K koeler as op aarde
C. 100 koeler as op aarde
B) Mars bestaan al langer en die berge het meer tyd gehad om te groei
C) Mars het minder swaartekrag as aarde
B. Polêre yskappe - Bevrore water en koolstofdioksied
D. Rooi stof op die oppervlak is ysteroksied (roes)
B. Stadige omwenteling
Jupiter is die grootste planeet in ons sonnestelsel.
D. Sy posisie en ligging in verhouding tot die son
A. Dit is so naby aan die son
B. Die interne verwarming wat oorgebly het vanaf die vorming
C. Stikstof en koolstofdioksied
A. Swaartekrag van Europa
B. Gravitasie trek van die son
A. Enorme temperature, geweldige druk
C. Enorme temperature, lae druk
A. Heldergeel, oranje en rooi
D. Pers, oranje en bruin
C. Vierde maan, Venus en die Noordster
A. Sterre wat Galileo naby Jupiter ontdek is
B. Die 4 grootste mane van Jupiter
C. 'n Groep mane wat eens een groot maan uitgemaak het
D. Die mane wat die naaste aan Jupiter se oppervlak is
A. waas, ammoniumhidrosulfied ys, water ys
B. ammoniakys, ammoniumhydrosulfide-ys, waterys
C. waterys, ammoniumhydrosulfide-ys, ammoniakys
C. Interne verwarmingsvermoë
A. Die interne verhittingvermoë as gevolg van heliumneerslag
B. Ondanks die warm kleure wat ons sien, is die temperatuur altyd naby 274K
C. Dit het die grootste salleiet in die hele sonnestelsel
A. Kepler se wette was verkeerd en het die planeetbane nie volledig verklaar nie.
B. Daar was 'n onontdekte planeet, later genoem Neptunus, naby Uranus, wat genoeg gravitasiekrag daarop uitoefen om die baan te verander.
C. Die groot afstand van Uranus tot die son verswak sy swaartekrag genoeg om Uranus se baan te verander.
A. Blou-groen kleur as gevolg van metaan
B. Die temperatuur is te koud vir die chemikalieë sodat dit vries
D. Die draai-draai-as is ongeveer 90 grade
B. sy grootste maan, Triton
A. Hulle is gemaak van 'n uitgesoekte soort materiale.
B. Hulle het onvoorspelbare wentelpatrone.
C. Dit is nie swaartekragtig oor voorwerpe in die omgewing nie.
iii. Quaoar, Charon, Vesta, Juno
A. Gewoonlik breed, diffus en sag geboë
B. Mikroskopiese stofdeeltjies maak dit van ver af sigbaar
C. Komete het altyd sterte
B. Deur die verandering in helderheid op te spoor as dit voor sy moederster kruis.
UFO's: Het u of enige van u vriende dit ervaar?
Ek dink "wat moet mense doen as hulle iets in die lug sien wat hulle nie kan identifiseer nie" is 'n wettige onderwerp vir 'n astronomieforum. Miskien is 99,99% daarvan dinge wat vir 'n meer ingeligte waarnemer nie nuus sou wees nie. Maar daar is altyd die kans dat iemand 'n vliegtuigongeluk of 'n geheime spioenasie-toestel of iets anders gesien het waaraan verantwoordelike mense moet weet. Om te gefikseer te raak met vreemdelinge in die ruimte is 'n fout, maar ook om vas te raak met die idee dat daar onmoontlik niks is wat verder ondersoek moet word nie.
# 252 Ab Umbra Lumen
'N Paar keer gesien, en dit alles onder presiese toestande, dus is dit herhaalbare bewyse.
Dit gebeur altyd na ongeveer 03:00 in die winter se vriespunt in die berge: op daardie tydstip vul my oë gewoonlik met skitter en ligflitse.
In daardie oomblikke slaag ek altyd daarin om die belangrike boodskap wat hulle vir my sê, te ontsyfer: tyd om die nag op te hou en te gaan slaap!
# 253 MrG
Ek dink "wat moet mense doen as hulle iets in die lug sien wat hulle nie kan identifiseer nie" is 'n wettige onderwerp vir 'n astronomieforum. Miskien is 99,99% daarvan dinge wat vir 'n meer ingeligte waarnemer nie nuus sou wees nie. Maar daar is altyd die kans dat iemand 'n vliegtuigongeluk, 'n geheime spioenasie-toestel of iets anders gesien het waaraan verantwoordelike mense moet weet. Om te gefikseer te raak met vreemdelinge in die ruimte is 'n fout, maar ook om vas te raak met die idee dat daar onmoontlik niks is wat verder ondersoek moet word nie.
Ons moet in gedagte hou dat alles nog geheimsinnig is. Ons wetenskap en sy verduidelikings oor oënskynlike fisiese prosesse is baie goed, maar uiteindelik is die heelal nog steeds 'n raaisel.
Die meer eksotiese verklarings kan goed wees as daar enigiets hieraan is. Ek het persoonlik geen mening nie, want ek kan nie vasstel wat die feite werklik is nie. Ek hou dit meestal nie by sterpartytjies ensovoorts nie, want ek kan respekteer dat ander mense se ervarings in die lewe anders is as myne en dat ek as ingenieur en wetenskaplike min kennis van die esoteriese kennis het.
# 254 BrooksObs
T beeld, ek is bang dat u dink dat u veel meer weet as wat u eintlik van mense en hul reaksie op onbekende situasies weet. Ek het meer as 30 jaar met die publiek te doen gehad en die grootste meerderheid gemiddeld hopeloos naïef en uniform gevind. Hulle kan mislei word deur verskynsels wat 'n kundige persoon nie eens 'n noot waardig sal vind nie. En namate die samelewing vorder, word gesonde verstand al hoe ongewooner, dit is veral waar vir stedelinge as hulle iets teëkom wat nie daagliks in hul lewens gesien word nie.
Die waarnemingsbevoegdheid van die man in die straat is algemeen bekend dat dit baie betwyfel kan word wanneer dit gaan om die behoud van selfs basiese besonderhede van 'n gebeurtenis, dws vier getuies van 'n motorongeluk vertel gewoonlik vier weergawes van die gebeurtenis, wat dikwels dinge insluit wat glad nie voorgekom het nie. Dieselfde geld vir diegene wat die misdaad pleeg. As dit so is, kan verwag word dat iets van waarde kan wees uit 'n verslag van 'n bewegende lig, of 'n groep ligte, deur 'n individu wat selde ooit na die hemel kyk, en die gebeurtenis vind plaas onder die desoriënterende toestand van totale duisternis, gee die waarde en akkuraatheid van hul verslag as 'n nul.
Wat u betoog dat waarneming van enigiets ongewoon ter wille van veiligheid in of naby militêre basisse gerapporteer moet word, is dit lagwekkend! As die weermag so ongeskik is dat dit duidelik is dat hulle lugbewaking deur verligte buitelandse hommeltuie of ander vlieënde voertuie onopgemerk kan bly, sou ek sê dat ons nou beter sal moet oorgee, aangesien ons land se weermag totaal onbevoeg is!
Die konsep om die idee ernstig op te neem dat 'n gevorderde ras wat in staat is om interstellêr te reis sonder enige opsporing, so onbevoeg kan wees dat hulle nie die teenwoordigheid van hul scout-vaartuie kan verberg terwyl hulle in ons atmosfeer rondvlieg nie, is absoluut belaglik en wetenskaplik ondersoek. My algemene indruk van u boodskap is dat u beslis meer moet leer oor menslike gedrag en hoe u die werklikheid uit fiksie kan herken.
Geredigeer deur BrooksObs, 4 Desember 2016 - 16:42 uur.
# 255 5dave
Wel, ek moet sê dit is die langste draad wat ek op CN gelees het, en een van die mees amusante. Ek kan my 2 sent op die waarneming wat ek gedurende my 40 jaar in die lugvaart gehad het, en meer as 20 000 vliegure inbring. Maar ek sal nie. Ek sal sê dat ek 17 jaar vir die FAA gewerk het as lugvaartinspekteur en ongelukondersoeker. Nadat ek baie ooggetuies oor vliegtuigongelukke ondervra het, kan ek u sê dat daar nie twee weergawes van dieselfde ongeluk dieselfde is nie, maar dat dit nie nodig is nie. Wat betref die waarneming aan die FAA ten tyde van my aftrede, was die beleid om die verslaggewer te verwys na die naaste instelling vir hoër onderwys wat in sulke verslae belanggestel het. Gisteraand kyk ek na die Orion-newel deur my CPC 1100 en merk 'n baie flou satelliet deur die gesigsveld. Dit was stadig genoeg dat ek dit kon opspoor deur die az-knoppie op die omvang te druk en in die oog te hou, wat redelik netjies was. 'N Paar minute nadat ek na Orion teruggekeer het, kom daar weer een op dieselfde spoor op dieselfde baan. Ek het aangeneem dat hierdie satelliete in 'n baie ver baan moet wees vanweë hul stadige spoed en dat hulle nie met die blote oog sigbaar is nie. Ons het soveel dinge wat om ons blou bal wentel, dat buitenaardse persone 'n verkeersman benodig om net hier te land.
# 256 Michael Covington
U moet rondom breedtegraad 34 noord (soos ek ook) wees. Van hier af gesien, kruis alle geosinchrone satelliete M42 'n klein bietjie noord van die middelpunt. Dit is beslis 'n plaag!
# 257 Tom Polakis
Wel, ek moet sê dit is die langste draad wat ek op CN gelees het, en een van die mees amusante. Ek kan my 2 sent op die waarneming wat ek gedurende my 40 jaar in die lugvaart gehad het, en meer as 20 000 vliegure inbring. Maar ek sal nie. Ek sal sê dat ek 17 jaar vir die FAA gewerk het as lugvaartinspekteur en ongelukondersoeker. Nadat ek baie ooggetuies oor vliegtuigongelukke ondervra het, kan ek u vertel dat daar nie twee weergawes van dieselfde ongeluk dieselfde is nie, maar dat dit nie nodig is nie. Wat betref die waarneming aan die FAA ten tyde van my aftrede, was die beleid om die verslaggewer te verwys na die naaste instelling vir hoër onderwys wat in sulke verslae belanggestel het. Gisteraand kyk ek na die Orion-newel deur my CPC 1100 en merk 'n baie flou satelliet deur die gesigsveld. Dit was stadig genoeg dat ek dit kon opspoor deur die az-knoppie op die omvang te druk en in die oog te hou, wat redelik netjies was. 'N Paar minute nadat ek na Orion teruggekeer het, kom daar weer een op dieselfde spoor op dieselfde baan. Ek het aangeneem dat hierdie satelliete in 'n baie ver baan moet wees vanweë hul stadige spoed en dat hulle nie met die blote oog sigbaar is nie. Ons het soveel dinge wat om ons blou bal wentel, dat buitenaardse persone 'n verkeersman benodig om net hier te land.
Michael het reeds gediagnoseer wat u gesien het, maar skakel dit volgende keer as u na M42 kyk, die spoor af as dit die middel van die veld bereik. Geen dop nodig nie!
# 258 17.5Dob
Ja, ek het tot dusver iets ongewoons gesien dat dit 'ongeïdentifiseer' was. vir 12 uur.
2 jaar was ek weg met my 80mm APO om dit op te stel vir 'n aand van AP toe Leo skielik vreemd lyk. Ek is gewoond daaraan om 'n paar dosyne satelliete vroeg in die aand te sien verbygaan, maar dit was vir 'n paar sekondes moeilik om die bewegende satelliet van die vaste sterre te onderskei. Dit het toe tot my deurgedring dat "al" die sterre stadig beweeg. Dit was 'n driehoek van drie voorwerpe wat in perfekte vorming in vlieg
1/2 deg span. Hulle het stadigaan helder geword totdat elkeen op -2,0 mag opgevlam het, en dan verdwyn die hele formasie stadig.
Ek het 1000000000000 satelliete, voëls in die nag, vliegtuie ens. Gesien, maar dit was 'onverklaarbaar'. Ek het die goeie mense hier gevra wat dit sou kon verklaar en binne 12 uur het iemand dit vir my opgelos. Dit was 'n fakkel van die Chinese Yaogan Triplet-satelliete.
Realisties, ek het geweet dat dit 'n 'logiese' verklaring moes hê, maar ek twyfel nie dat as iemand sonder enige agtergrond in die naghemel sou opkyk en dit sou sien nie, hulle almal sou vertel van die eskader van Marsmanne wat hulle die laaste keer gons het nag.
Voorstel is 'n kragtige instrument. Mense glo wat hulle wil, selfs al word hulle gekonfronteer met oorweldigende bewyse van die teendeel. Kyk net na die afgelope verkiesing (en hopelik om nie die draad, die oorweldigende geloof in Goddelike bonatuurlike wesens, te ontspoor nie).
# 259 airbleeder
Waarom moet u dit plaas as u dit regtig nie wil ontspoor of erger nie, laat dit toe?
# 260 Hallzers
Waarneming. Ek was saam met vriende op 'n boot in 2010, ver genoeg weg van die liggies van die oewer af om donker lug te geniet. Ons het almal op die dek gesit en geniet van die uitsig op die sterre, die meteoriet af en toe dopgehou en die stilte geniet.
Skielik verskyn 'n helder wit lig in die lug wat te vinnig reis om 'n persoonlike vliegtuig of vliegtuig op hoogte te wees. Dit was heeltemal stil. Toe verdwyn dit. Twee sekondes later, voordat iemand van ons iets kon sê, verskyn dit weer vir 'n paar oomblikke in die teenoorgestelde rigting en verdwyn weer. Ons het almal met 'n skok en verwarring na mekaar gekyk en gesê: '' N UFO. '' Ons het nie geweet hoe om op die ding te reageer nie, en ons het almal net gelag, maar dit was vir ons almal baie ongemaklik en verwarrend.
Analise. I could not let go of it, and sat there thinking on it until it finally made complete sense. Had I just seen a UFO? Normal objects do not behave like that. Satellites or meteorites do not change directions. I was puzzled. However, with further contemplation, I was able to put together the pieces and make sense of it.
It was a few hours after sunset, and the sun's light was still shining on a narrow band of sky to the West. An Eastbound large satellite passed into this band of light, being brightly illuminated, and then passed too far East, out of the sunlight's reach, and "disappeared" Then, two seconds later, another satellite headed West passed into the Sun's light, and the "UFO" suddenly "reappeared," headed West, until it passed into the shadow of some clouds far to my West.
General Discussion. While I was able to make sense of this event as being 2 satellites passing in and out of the light from the sun, we should not dismiss anecdotal data as it may be valuable for qualitative study in the future. Such study can help to identify natural phenomena that we may as of yet not understand-- and there is much that we do not understand. After all, the curative effect of drinking pine needle soup for scurvy was dismissed as the voodoo of savages until the more recent understanding of ascorbic acid, commonly called vitamin C. I wonder what parts of tomorrow's generally accepted science we mock today?
Edited by Hallzers, 05 December 2016 - 12:56 PM.
#261 RayHubble
Well I must say this is the longest thread I have read on CN, and.
Sorry to derail, 5dave, but what exactly is the aircraft in your av?
It appears as a cross between a bronco and an A6 Intruder.
#262 t_image
You should have noticed in my responses I'm fond of subtle hyperbole.
In the observational sciences, we need not despair because our data collection or sources aren't perfect.
Good analysis should be prepared to deal with the quality and extend of sources available.
Such is the skill of the archaeologist and forensic scientist.
One could dismiss a group of blind men all arguing about their different "sighting".
or one could decipher the puzzle and conclude they all encountered the same elephant.
Something interesting to note, is unlike the times of old with after-the-fact eyewitness accounts,
the ubiquity of cellphones and social media communications allows real-world distribution (and collection) of reports,
prompting the news to release reports soon after,
to such an extent that might even motivate the Pentagon to make a press release.
#263 5dave
Well I must say this is the longest thread I have read on CN, and.
Sorry to derail, 5dave, but what exactly is the aircraft in your av?
It appears as a cross between a bronco and an A6 Intruder.
The aircraft in question is the Grummin OV-1 Mohawk in service from 1959 - 1996.
#264 BrooksObs
You should have noticed in my responses I'm fond of subtle hyperbole.
In the observational sciences, we need not despair because our data collection or sources aren't perfect.
Good analysis should be prepared to deal with the quality and extend of sources available.
Such is the skill of the archaeologist and forensic scientist.
One could dismiss a group of blind men all arguing about their different "sighting".
or one could decipher the puzzle and conclude they all encountered the same elephant.
Something interesting to note, is unlike the times of old with after-the-fact eyewitness accounts,
the ubiquity of cellphones and social media communications allows real-world distribution (and collection) of reports,
prompting the news to release reports soon after,
to such an extent that might even motivate the Pentagon to make a press release.
For example:
http://www.cnn.com/2. ight/index.html
http://www.defensete. est-in-pacific/
Ah, but you are very mistaken if you believe that evaluating the UFO situation is in any way an analogy to the old story of the blind men describing the elephant. At least there you had a group of reliable men in actual physical contact with a real thing and using their heightened tactile skills to describe in precise detail the portion of the elephant that they each touched. Even then, scientific identification through piecing together the information would depend on the data annalist having a sure knowledge that elephants exist!
In contrast, UFO reports contain little or no accurate detailed information for deriving any possible solution as to their ID/nature. They come mainly from totally untrained individuals, normally those without any familiarity with what can be seen in the sky to begin with. Their reports include "details" that come through sightings made typically over mere moments and in a disorienting dark environment. There is neither hard physical evidence, nor clear recordings beyond points of apparently moving lights usually recorded on a shaky hand-held cell phone footage. except perhaps for obviously faked shots. Add to that the mind's inability to accurately recall details without distortion even moments after an event, plus possibly inserting new details and you are left with nothing more than a worthless pile of bovine scat. And top all that off with the fact that even if positively identifiable as some natural phenomena the observer is most likely to insist that was not what they actually saw!
The recognition/scientific identification of entirely new phenomena like Sprites, etc., only come through observation AND precise clear and controlled imagining of events by experienced meteorologists, or astronomers, not typically casual observers and especially not the general public. As to "public demand" being able to force a response from the military, the only time this occurs is to occasionally quell excessive public concern over broadly witnessed sightings of tests not meant to be a secret in the first place.
Edited by BrooksObs, 06 December 2016 - 08:45 AM.
#265 2LiveAndDieInLA
You should have noticed in my responses I'm fond of subtle hyperbole.
In the observational sciences, we need not despair because our data collection or sources aren't perfect.
Good analysis should be prepared to deal with the quality and extend of sources available.
Such is the skill of the archaeologist and forensic scientist.
One could dismiss a group of blind men all arguing about their different "sighting".
or one could decipher the puzzle and conclude they all encountered the same elephant.
Something interesting to note, is unlike the times of old with after-the-fact eyewitness accounts,
the ubiquity of cellphones and social media communications allows real-world distribution (and collection) of reports,
prompting the news to release reports soon after,
to such an extent that might even motivate the Pentagon to make a press release.
For example:
http://www.cnn.com/2. ight/index.html
http://www.defensete. est-in-pacific/
In contrast, UFO reports contain little or no accurate detailed information for deriving any possible solution as to their ID/nature. They come mainly from totally untrained individuals, normally those without any familiarity with what can be seen in the sky to begin with. Their reports include "details" that come through sightings made typically over mere moments and in a disorienting dark environment. There is neither hard physical evidence, nor clear recordings beyond points of apparently moving lights usually recorded on a shaky hand-held cell phone footage. except perhaps for obviously faked shots. Add to that the mind's inability to accurately recall details without distortion even moments after an event, plus possibly inserting new details and you are left with nothing more than a worthless pile of bovine scat. And top all that off with the fact that even if positively identifiable as some natural phenomena the observer is most likely to insist that was not what they actually saw!
You sound like a defense attorney at a criminal trial!
#266 17.5Dob
You sound like a defense attorney at a criminal trial!
As the prosecution has not ONE Physical piece of evidence to the contrary , no photographs, and only anecdotal stories to support their claims.
Case closed . ( unless you want to debate Big Foot , the Loch Ness Monster, Nibaru , etc.)
Edited by pastortim, 07 December 2016 - 10:28 PM.
#267 Gofr
Yes I once saw something many years ago.
Once as a kid I was in the back seat of the family car making our way home. It was late in the summer day and the sky was a nice bright orange from the sunset. I was just looking up at it passing the time.
Suddenly I noticed a matte grey round-ish speck in the sky. It had no lights, no rotors, no reflections, and did not move. I found it odd. I kept staring at it trying to figure what the heck it could be. After what was some 2-3 minutes of staring, it just suddenly streaked across the sky and away, leaving a dull grey streak visible for just a second or two, before it too faded into nothing.
What was it? I dunno. Certainly no aircraft I'm aware of have such capabilities.
Edited by Gofr, 06 December 2016 - 11:35 PM.
#268 detectionist
Roughly six years ago, an ex co worker and I were taking a smoke break and watching storm clouds building. This was around 5 p.m., and some of the delivery drivers were coming back. I noticed an object toward the southwest that resembled a Mylar balloon with the ribbon attached. I pointed it out to my coworker as well as a couple of the delivery men. The strange thing is that even with the wind blowing at ground level and the clouds moving as well, this object remained stationary when comparing it to the position of trees and buildings. We also seen a low cloud drift in front of it obscuring our view for a few seconds The two of us watched this object while I smoked my cigarette (approx 10 minutes). Some of the drivers had went inside and dropped off their paperwork then came back out and continued to watch it as well.
A few days ago, I seen my co worker and he said he still remembers this incident, and the two of us are still as puzzled as ever.
#269 t_image
You sound like a defense attorney at a criminal trial!
As the prosecution has not ONE Physical piece of evidence to the contrary , no photographs, and only anecdotal stories to support their claims.
Case closed . ( unless you want to debate Big Foot , the Loch Ness Monster, Noah's Arc, Nibaru, etc.)
The error in reasoning here is:
#1 that a trial at this moment, and this moment alone will determine the reality for all time. [absurd assumption]
#2 that one arrogantly thinks they have omniscient knowledge as to whether there exists conclusive evidence out there or not.
this is also based on the logical fallacy of argument from silence,argumentum ex silentio,
when a conclusion (as above) is incorrectly drawn from the idea that an idea can be proven false from a lack of current evidence on the matter.
You cannot scientifically prove a negative unless you have exhausted the testing of all possibilities.
#3 [the prosecution], actually I would expect the "UFOs exist side" to more be the defendant in any trial of whether "alien spacecraft exist. "
#4 the presumption that there is an organized effort by a powerful entity to collect and analyze and is motivated to present this evidence publicly as if there were a real trial.
I don't consider MUFON a well resourced organization.
I also don't consider nation states,
that may have the resources to more effectively collect and analyze evidence out there,
to be actually publicly forthcoming on the matter.
And if one does presume this, IMO it is defacto an error in reasoning.
#270 Jim Davis
Lrrr, the ruler of planet Omicron Persei 8, just called. He wants to know why we stopped broadcasting Single Female Lawyer.
#271 walt99
Lrrr, the ruler of planet Omicron Persei 8, just called. He wants to know why we stopped broadcasting Single Female Lawyer.
Tell him he'll just have to be content with Andy of Mayberry. They'll never stop broadcasting it . . .
#272 Gvs
I've seen objects that were hard to identify three times in life.
The first was in 1972 at around 6:00pm CST, was twelve at the time. Had a good idea of planets, comets, planes and meteors, had owned a telescope since I was 7 (Apollo program did it for me). At the time, I totally denied the possibility of any other life other than that on Earth. Space between stars was just too vast.
Location was Cochabamba, Bolivia (local time around 6:45pm in August, the city is a Valley at 2500m with mountains that range from 4000m to 5500m high, location was 300 ft North of CalaCala Bridge (the trees ended up where the east border of Chicken's Kindgdom on the map.. we were located 50 feet to the east). The sky had no clouds and totally clear. An older cousin and I saw a white light move from left to right behind in the east, it would disappear behind the peaks in the mountains known as Tiraque, it seemed to move as fast as Harrier jet would, so we assumed it was a fighter from the UK or the US. (having lived in Grand Forks ND four years before, it did not seem that strange). Though then it shot straight up, the fact the the light it emitted was constant and very bright was puzzling, this was our first indication that this was not a regular craft. It behaved like this for 15 min. By then it was dark and near 7pm., under 4 sec (was looking at my wrist watch as it darted toward us) it flew directly over us, without making a sound and lighting up the area like daylight. It covered over 30 miles in 4 seconds or less (that's how far the mountains were from our location), and disappeared. I should add that it did have the general shape of a comet without a coma or ion trail, though comets don't move that fast are are never clearly defined. Fireballs on the other hand are single streak, and don't change directions multiple time, and they never last 15 minutes, though they can illuminate an area in a similar way.
The rest of the family saw the light from inside the house. The object seem to be a sphere, it was round in the middle, the center was about 20 degrees in apartment diameter, it was around 30 degrees in apparent diameter overall. We could infer this based on four 120ft trees where it disappeared.(molles). It glowed white blue at the center, and red at the leading edge, it left a tail four times its length that went from white blue to red going through yellow, though no exhaust was visible. I can't explain this object with any known device through this day.
The experience changed my beliefs in ETs. I clearly understood at that point that all stars had planets we had not seen and some of them had life and some of them most likely had civilizations more advanced than us.
Planets have been confirmed since then, life, and more advanced beings still remains to be proven.
The second time was on March 27, 2001, again in Cochabamba, a silver object drifted from east to west over 2 hours across the northern mountain range. It was filmed by TV crews, followed by the local air force. It clearly was over 80000ft based on images taken by telescopes. The official explanation was a weather balloon launched from Brazil given by a personal friend with whom we founded Astronomia Sigma Octante in 1974. The discrepancy here, is that the balloon drifted from East to West, which could be possible, unfortunately at the time didn't have access to a good website for air conditions at different altitudes in the region.
Finally, red orbs November 3rd in 2011 (edited this, memory fails some times as you get older), in San Antonio, Texas. 10:30pm. I have photos of these and of Jupiter, airplanes and a helicopter. These objects did not match any of the above. Though they moved slow and in formation following I-35 from Austin towards San Antonio. Though they would change direction in right angles. Didn't have a tripod, so photos are shaky, though can share them. I presume that these most likely were some type of undisclosed uavs.
You can follow this link to see the original photos, please see descriptions for reference.
Make that four times:
Forgot about this post:
http://www.cloudynig. tifying-object/
Having done a lot of astrophotography since then, this was not a hot pixel.
In order to be transparent, the balloon incident described in the quoted post happened on March 20th, 2000.
Memory over time can have its issues. The Air Force dispatched a T33 to intercept it. As reported here (Spanish) , it climbed to 42k feet, though was unable to reach it.
#273 Hallzers
Case closed . ( unless you want to debate Big Foot , the Loch Ness Monster, Nibaru , etc.)
Personally, I have not seen enough evidence to convince me that we are being visited from beings from other planets, but there are some unexplained cases from credible sources. I lived near Socorro, New Mexico for a while. There was a police officer called to the scene Southwest of town to investigate a strange "aircraft". His police report had detailed descriptions of the "aircraft", with markings, and it was reported straight up to the Pentagon, who thought it was the Russians. This particular one was enough of a solid case involving a crew of governmental and aircraft experts.
So, while I do not believe in there are physical beings visiting us from other planets, I had to admit that the Socorro case was enough to cast substantial doubt on the case being closed.
The purpose of science is not to close cases, but to shed light on them humbly. History has shown us time and again that nearly every case of "established science" has been overturned, from the fabled Brontosaurus (which has now been removed from museums as an archaeological embarrassment) to Vitamin C being finally proven to be a cure for Scurvy (after hundreds of years of resistance from the Medical community). Today, "dark matter" is on the chopping block, and looks to go into history as another one of those blunders.
I think that going to a UFO convention will be like going to a psychic palm reader / Ouiji board / hypnosis convention. but just because there are some wierdos out there that doesn't exempt a subject (such as a closed case) from the scrutiny of science which may open it for questioning at any time.
I’m new to Cloudy Nights and to observing. I’m frustrated by all of the abbreviations used in the posts and wondering if there is a guide that would help me translate them?
Yeah someone posted a list here within the past year. There is also a tendency for some of us to use solo acronyms (acro) . probably because it
I try to use both the expression en the acro together, once. and then take it from there. That's actually the accepted practice (requirement!) in professional journal articles and patents! Well, gota return to my Apochromatic (APO) Refractor (Refracting Telescope). Tom
Edited by TOMDEY, 29 February 2020 - 08:34 AM.
#3 junomike
There's also a generic list from Wiki (although I don't use most of those).
#4 wrnchhead
# 5 sg6
A few are the names of the companies: SBIG, ATIK and others. So no real name for them, that is simply how they are known. ATIK probably stands for something but after say 10 years I have no idea what. And I have spoken face to face with them several times.
Some will change from one name to another over time.
Others it is too long to spell out the name: e.g. CMOS, CCD, DSS, even DSLR - although most know that one.
It is a case of getting half used to them, and guessing the rest. Few today that I had not seen/met previously that someone was likely familiar with and presumed others would be also.
If you really want confused attend Astronomy talks. The presenter has their own achronyms and carries on irrespective whether you have a clue or not.
I was at one on: First Light And Reionisation Epoch.
Presenter kept mentioning and having the title "FLARE" on the screen.
Assumption was FLARE = First Light And Reionisation Epoch. But no, FLARE was a mathematical model and as best I could tell did not highly relate to "First Light And Reionisation Epoch".
Years ago a company I worked at had a process called: Failure Acceleration Rate Test.
Took them 6 weeks of giggling secretaries before they realised.
#6 Don W
I took about a 5 year break from the hobby. When I came back into it i noticed a new term, frac. What the devil is a frac? Took a little while for me to realize it was a shortening of refractor. I still cringe when I see it.
My addition to the good advice given by others above is that when you see a term you don't recognize, ask. Just say, "I'm new to the hobby. What does XXXX mean?
#7 SeaDog35
I understand your frustration, as I am a rookie. The other day a nice guy, here, said " You need a GLP!" I just opened a new window and typed "GLP as in astronomy." Green Laser Pointer! Works for me. Keep reading, you'll get it in a while. Great way to learn. Gonna be clear skies in Cocoa, Florida, tonight and no work tomorrow. O Boy!
#8 Sketcher
Well, there certainly is a humongous inventory of abbreviations, jargon, etc. that one can see floating around these parts -- and I probably (still) don't know what half of them refer to. On the other hand (OTOH), most of us really have little to no need to know what many (most?) of that alphabet (or, in some cases, alpha-numeric) soup refers to. Many of the abbreviations are specific to specialized areas of the hobby. Those outside of those special interest groups may have little need to know what the terms mean, or refer to. But like Don said, if you encounter a term and feel the need to know -- ask. Someone will gladly provide the meaning. Though, in a few cases, one might need someone else to "translate" that first explanation.
Sometimes, when you keep reading, the context will partially or completely clear up a term's meaning but, of course, there will be other times when one will just have to ask.
No one is going to expect anyone to come in already knowing the meanings of all the abbreviations. I serious doubt that anyone is knowledgeable enough to know what almal the abbreviations used on CloudyNights (CN) refer to. Furthermore, sometimes different people will use different abbreviations for the same thing! CN has participants from many different countries. Ekf Ek recall correctly (IIRC), I first encountered "frac" (for refractor) in a British astronomy forum. But even if not, some abbreviations/terms do/will come from other parts of our planet.
2 probable planets found by people like you
With the internet, it doesn’t take a Ph.D. in astrophysics to help find new worlds outside our solar system.
For the first time, new planet candidates have been identified with the help of the public’s analysis of NASA data. Anyone can join this effort, called Planet Hunters, for free and start helping real astronomers weed through data that might signal a never-before-seen planet.
Computer algorithms that the pros use do the job of sorting through data from deep space with precision and speed, but sometimes humans can do it better.
“A lot of times, we don’t know to anticipate in advance something unusual in the data. And so that’s clearly where the Planet Hunters, the public, [have] been coming in,” said Debra Fischer, professor of astronomy at Yale University and co-founder of Planet Hunters.
So far, there are about 40,000 users of Planet Hunters across the U.S. and about 90 other countries. It’s intuitive and simple enough that even a child could use it. Teachers are already using it in the classroom, Fischer said.
“It’s a perfect opportunity for even children to become involved, and to really learn what the scientific process is, what the scientific method is, and that thrill of discovery at an age where they still have the opportunity to make decisions about their future” said Natalie Batalha, co-investigator for NASA's Kepler mission, which has discovered more than 1,200 candidate planets so far.
All you have to do is sign up with Planet Hunters and start answering questions about graphs, which represent data about light from distant stars. The website guides you through what to look for – the dips and v-shapes corresponding to a dimming of light may mean a planet has transited, or passed in front of a star during a certain time period.
In the first test batch of data, users had classified about 3,500 transits. Fischer enlisted undergraduates to help look at every single one of them, passing the best ones on to the graduate students who would pass them to the rest of the team, and they boiled down the list to 40 that looked the most like the signatures of planets. Of the 10 that they sent to the Kepler group, two turned out to be good candidates for planets.
One is a “super Earth” with a radius about twice that of our planet. Without knowing its mass, scientists can’t say anything about its composition. The other is a Saturn-sized object, Fischer said.
Computer algorithms had seen both of these celestial objects, but had misclassified them.
Planet Hunters had also identified the recently-announced planet nicknamed Tatooine, the first planet confirmed to orbit two stars at once. The citizen science effort helped find it four months ago, independent of the NASA Kepler team.
The Kepler team had actually published a catalog of possible eclipsing binary systems in March, so technically the pros were still first. But Batalha says it’s not such a cut-throat competition.
“It doesn’t matter who was first,” Batalha said. “Those discoveries were being made, and that process – going through that process and experiencing that thrill – that’s what’s important.”
The Planet Hunters expert team, a collaboration between astronomers at Yale, the University of Oxford and the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, just sent the next top 10 over the Kepler, and it looks like seven may hold up as candidate planets, Fischer said.
Scientists have confirmed the existence of more than 680 planets outside of our solar system, according to NASA's PlanetQuest website. In order to be more certain about the two new candidates from the Planet Hunters, scientists need to use a method called Doppler spectroscopy, a method of measuring the mass of these objects.
Stars with planets appear to wobble toward and away from the observer - meaning a change in radial velocity - and this effect is larger when the planet is either bigger or closer to the star. Measuring light from the nearby star and its radial velocity helps scientists determine whether an object is indeed a planet, as well as how dense it is.
Fischer is fairly confident that the two new candidates spotted by Planet Hunters are “bona-fide” planets.
“There are 4 million classifications, and out of that came two planets so far. There will be there more, but still, it gives you some sense of the scale of the problem." Fischer said. "It’s a lottery ticket, I guess."
How many planets does Omicron Persei have? - Sterrekunde
5761 clicks posted to Main » on 17 May 2012 by 5:55 PM (9 years ago) | Favorite | share:
Will this affect Poppler shipments?
scottydoesntknow: I only have one question. Will this affect Poppler shipments?
Fun fact, my hands can touch anything except themselves.
"Then bring it to our royal bedchamber and put it in the sock drawer with all the other things that have failed to arouse my passion for this woman."
MTA Police determined that Huysman was struck mid-train, so the train engineer was not aware that the train had hit anyone, according to the spokesman.
The victim was struck by the 5:12 a.m. train from Oyster Bay to Penn Station
Ok the guy walked into the the train (not hit, walked into) at the mid section at about 5am in the morning. I can't help but feel that alcohol was in someway involved.
Mmm, this jerked chicken is good. I think I'll have Fry's lower horn jerked
FreakinB: It happens more often than you'd like to think and it's usually not an accident.
The trains are hunting people down!?
FreakinB: If there's any story that defines "not news," it's an LIRR train running someone over "striking an unauthorized person on the tracks." It happens more often than you'd like to think and it's usually not an accident.
what's the deal with that?
we have the same problem out here, everyone from hobos to housewives has to get hit by the commuter trains.
I guess freight trains just don't cut it anymore.
FreakinB: If there's any story that defines "not news," it's an LIRR train running someone over "striking an unauthorized person on the tracks." It happens more often than you'd like to think and it's usually not an accident.
I knew a kid who was run over by the LIRR on the trestle over Little Neck Bay. "Senior Cut Day" at JHS 158, way back in 1981. He reached down to grab his buddy when he touched the third rail, and then was subsequently run over by the train. He was somewhat of a bully, while I don't feel he deserved to die I sure as hell didn't feel bad about what happened to him either. Took weeks for his buddy to return to school. Just another day for Darwin.
/my God, has it been 31 years already.
//Damn I feel old.
Ashrams: MTA Police determined that Huysman was struck mid-train, so the train engineer was not aware that the train had hit anyone, according to the spokesman.
The victim was struck by the 5:12 a.m. train from Oyster Bay to Penn Station Ok the guy walked into the the train (not hit, walked into) at the mid section at about 5am in the morning. I can't help but feel that alcohol was in someway involved.
One of those frequent fatalities so often recorded in the Times, happened on Saturday afternoon at the Farmingdale station of the Long Island Railroad, by which an item - the life of an aged man- was instantly swept from the sum of human endurance.
Get the pdf here (scroll down to the above sentence, the first page is unrelated). The writing is amazing compared to the shiat we read today.
Please select mode of death. Quick and painless, or slow and horrible.
Inigo: FreakinB: It happens more often than you'd like to think and it's usually not an accident.
The trains are hunting people down!?
They are sneaky little buggers. It is virtually impossible to tell where they may be coming from so they tend to jump out of nowhere.
kidsizedcoffin: Please select mode of death. Quick and painless, or slow and horrible.
I'd like to make a collect call, please.
umad: Inigo: FreakinB: It happens more often than you'd like to think and it's usually not an accident. The trains are hunting people down!? They are sneaky little buggers. It is virtually impossible to tell where they may be coming from so they tend to jump out of nowhere.
FreakinB: If there's any story that defines "not news," it's an LIRR train running someone over "striking an unauthorized person on the tracks." It happens more often than you'd like to think and it's usually not an accident.
I am not familiar with this Futurama reference.
Inigo: FreakinB: It happens more often than you'd like to think and it's usually not an accident. The trains are hunting people down!?
they're not that good at covering their tracks
ArcadianRefugee: umad: Inigo: FreakinB: It happens more often than you'd like to think and it's usually not an accident. The trains are hunting people down!? They are sneaky little buggers. It is virtually impossible to tell where they may be coming from so they tend to jump out of nowhere. [imagecache6.allposters.com image 338x450]
I think that photo is from the great historical reference "Trains, 100 years of Silent Assassins: 1831 to 1931"
gopher321: My fav Lrrr quote: "Then bring it to our royal bedchamber and put it in the sock drawer with all the other things that have failed to arouse my passion for this woman."
Sex Shop Owner: "You're not a cop, right?"
Lrrr: "Oh no, no I'm just some guy. RULER OF THE PLANET OMICRON PERSEI 8!"
This is the 5:53 Babylon train. Stops at Woodside, Forest Hills, Kew Gardens, Jamaica, Lynbrook, Rockville Centre, Baldwin, Freeport, Merrick, Bellmore, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa, Massapequa Park, Amityville, Copaigue, Lyndenhurst and Babylon. Change at Jamaica for all other branches.
//Will be in my brain until I die.
tomlennon: This is the 5:53 Babylon train. Stops at Woodside, Forest Hills, Kew Gardens, Jamaica, Lynbrook, Rockville Centre, Baldwin, Freeport, Merrick, Bellmore, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa, Massapequa Park, Amityville, Copaigue, Lyndenhurst and Babylon. Change at Jamaica for all other branches. //Will be in my brain until I die. At Forest Hills, Kew Gardens and St. Albans the doors open on the first four cars only. Please move to the front of the train if you're disembarking at Forest Hills, Kew Gardens or St. Albans stations. /haven't ridden the LIRR in years IHadMeAVision: tomlennon: This is the 5:53 Babylon train. Stops at Woodside, Forest Hills, Kew Gardens, Jamaica, Lynbrook, Rockville Centre, Baldwin, Freeport, Merrick, Bellmore, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa, Massapequa Park, Amityville, Copaigue, Lyndenhurst and Babylon. Change at Jamaica for all other branches. //Will be in my brain until I die. At Forest Hills, Kew Gardens and St. Albans the doors open on the first four cars only. Please move to the front of the train if you're disembarking at Forest Hills, Kew Gardens or St. Albans stations. /haven't ridden the LIRR in years St. Albans is the first 6 cars! /twice-daily Babylon line rider I never liked the Long Island Failroad and I'm glad I don't have to ride it anymore. Although the Port Washington Line is scenic and usually on time (probably because they don't go through Jamaica). If you're there at peak, everybody's either Korean or Iranian. we demand to speak with Mac Neil FreakinB: IHadMeAVision: tomlennon: This is the 5:53 Babylon train. Stops at Woodside, Forest Hills, Kew Gardens, Jamaica, Lynbrook, Rockville Centre, Baldwin, Freeport, Merrick, Bellmore, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa, Massapequa Park, Amityville, Copaigue, Lyndenhurst and Babylon. Change at Jamaica for all other branches. //Will be in my brain until I die. At Forest Hills, Kew Gardens and St. Albans the doors open on the first four cars only. Please move to the front of the train if you're disembarking at Forest Hills, Kew Gardens or St. Albans stations. /haven't ridden the LIRR in years St. Albans is the first 6 cars! /twice-daily Babylon line rider "Change at Huntington for Greenlawn, Northport, Smithtown, Saint James, Stoney Brook and Port Jefferson on the same track" Ashrams: MTA Police determined that Huysman was struck mid-train, so the train engineer was not aware that the train had hit anyone, according to the spokesman. The victim was struck by the 5:12 a.m. train from Oyster Bay to Penn Station Ok the guy walked into the the train (not hit, walked into) at the mid section at about 5am in the morning. I can't help but feel that alcohol was in someway involved. hmm, that may be so. No matter what, it' Bacontastesgood: One of those frequent fatalities so often recorded in the Times, happened on Saturday afternoon at the Farmingdale station of the Long Island Railroad, by which an item - the life of an aged man- was instantly swept from the sum of human endurance. Get the pdf here (scroll down to the above sentence, the first page is unrelated). The writing is amazing compared to the shiat we read today. I must disagree. While the writing you are referring to is unarguably more flowery, and does use a number of words that today are considered somewhat archaic, and, perhaps, learned, it is still the same load of crap we get from our current news sources that is, it is sensationalistic, overdone, and editorialistic. It just looks fancier to you because it is so different. I didnt get the headline at first LIRR is automatically "ell-eye-arr-arr" or "ell-eye-double-arr" to any of us from LI. (Forest Hills, first four cars, yo) joeshlabotnik: I didnt get the headline at first LIRR is automatically "ell-eye-arr-arr" or "ell-eye-double-arr" to any of us from LI. (Forest Hills, first four cars, yo) Lindenhurst - pass the hell out on the drunk train, wake up in Babylon, only one stop back to get home. Best relocation ever.
//will be able to recite that same station list from memory until my brain goes
//will be able to recite that same station list from memory until my brain goes
/at least it was that way 40 years ago.